Set Up For Ppsspp To Have Innocent Life Work


  1. Jan 11, 2016 PPSSPP is the best PSP emulator you can find, and lets you play titles from that platform on both Windows and Android, among many other operating systems. Here we give you a tutorial on how to set up the emulator and get a much better visual quality than on the original console. On the legality of emulation.
  2. We also have a huge community, a vast collection of gaming music, game related videos (movies, fmvs, etc.), game guides, magazines, comics, video game translations, and much much more! So dive right in, and start exploring all the wonders of emuparadise! The best part? Everything is free and 100% safe!


Jun 05, 2015  One of the most major elements of this is the friends and family that you grow to have. Innocent Life leaves this out, focusing more on a set story. The story is quite interesting, but I prefer the 'live-your-own-life' theme of the other Harvest Moon games. Overall, I'd say this game is worth the money.

This tutorial is to help you with PPSSPP for Windows. PPSSPP is the #1 emulator for the Sony PSP! It has the usual bundle of features we expect from an emulator. Its game compatibility is very good. PPSSPP's drawback is that it's too good of an emulator - it's resource demanding! Even if you have a pretty fast computer, PPSSPP may struggle to run at full speed.

*If you would like to download PPSSPP, I have it in my emulators page.

64-bit and 32-bit versions

Included in the zip file for PPSSPP are two EXE's: “PPSSPPWindows.exe” and “PPSSPPWindows64.exe”. So what's the difference and which one do you use? That depends on which version of Windows you have:

  • PPSSPPWindows64.exe - PPSSPP for 64-bit Windows
  • PPSSPPWindows.exe - PPSSPP for 32-bit Windows

What's 64-bit and 32-bit Windows? I won't drown you with technical jargon. In short: these are types of Windows systems. 64-bit is newer and faster, and 32-bit is older and slower. If you have 64-bit Windows, you need to use the 64-bit version of PPSSPP. And vice versa with 32-bit.

They stopped making 32-bit computers around 2017, so chances are you're most likely using a 64-bit computer. If you're not sure if you have 64-bit or 32-bit Windows, here's how you can check:

  1. On the bottom left where you see Search the web and Windows, do a search for “64-bit”.
  2. You'll see this come up: “See if you have a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows”. Click it.
  3. You'll arrive here . Look for “System type”. If it says “64-bit operating system” then you're using 64-bit Windows. If it says “32-bit operating system” then you're using 32-bit Windows.

Using Windows XP? Here are directions for that .


PPSSPP is a standalone program so it does not have an install wizard. Installation is simple: just extract PPSSPP from its zip file. Not sure how to extract zip files? Here's a video tutorial showing you how: how to unzip files on Windows.

IMPORTANT! PPSSPP must be placed in a common folder on your computer. I recommend Documents, Downloads, or create a folder on your desktop. If you place PPSSPP somewhere else on your main C drive, then you may be restricting it to read-only access. Doing so prevents PPSSPP from saving anything.


To open PPSSPP, double-click on , or if your system requires the 32-bit version.

Set Up For Ppsspp To Have Innocent Life Work For Free

Setting up the keyboard or gamepad

  1. Firstly, PPSSPP doesn't let you access the button configuration while a game is running. So if you currently have a game running, save and go to Emulation > Stop.
  2. The button configuration is found by going to Game Settings > Control Mapping, as shown below:
  3. You'll arrive at the Control Mapping screen:
    You can navigate this screen like a web page. You can click & drag, use the scroll-wheel on your mouse, or use the keyboard directional arrows. As you can see, PPSSPP already has all the buttons setup including gamepad buttons. Each virtual button has multiple instances of buttons. For example, “kbd.Up” is Up on the keyboard and “pad1.Up” is Up on a gamepad (if you have one plugged in).
  4. If you wish, you can reconfigure any button. Just click on the one you want to change. PPSSPP will prompt you with a little box. From there, press the new keyboard key or gamepad button you want it changed to.

Loading a game

  1. PPSSPP needs games extracted from their archives. So if your PSP ISO is in a ZIP, RAR, or 7Z file, you need to extract it. If you're not sure how to extract ZIP files, here's a video with directions. If you don't have the ability to extract RAR or 7Z files, you can do so with 7-Zip (it's free).
  2. Examples of PSP ISO files
    Once extracted, note that your PSP ISO must be one of the following file formats: ISO, CSO, PBP, ELF, or PRX. If your ISO format is not in one of those formats, then it is not a valid ISO. You'd need to download your game from somewhere else to obtain it in a valid file format.
  3. To load a game, go to File > Load or click Load - as shown below.
  4. You'll see the “Open” window. PPSSPP defaults to its main folder. If you placed your PSP games here, they will be the first thing you see. If you placed your PSP games elsewhere on your computer, you'd need to navigate to that folder. Select the game you want to play then click Open, as shown here . Your game will begin running.
  5. You only need to load a game this way once. Hence, your game will appear as an icon shortcut on the main PPSSPP screen. Like this:
    To load your game, all you'd need to do is click the icon shortcut.

Q: I get errors loading games!

If you get one of these errors:

  • This is not a PSP game
  • Error loading file: file is compressed

There are two reasons you might be getting these errors:

  • Possible Reason #1: You didn't extract the game from its archive. The archive would be in ZIP, RAR, or 7Z format.
    • Is Windows hiding the file extensions of your archives? Here's a video showing you how to show file extensions.
    • If you're not sure how to extract ZIP files, here's a video with directions.
    • If you don't have the ability to extract RAR or 7Z files, you can do so with 7-Zip (it's free).
  • Possible Reason #2: You have a bad game. Perhaps it's partially corrupt. Try downloading the game from somewhere else.

Full screen

Press Alt+Enter or F11 to enter full screen. Press Alt+Enter or F11 again to go back to window mode. While in full screen mode, you can press the Esc key to access your save files or exit the game to the main PPSSPP menu.

If your computer is not that fast, you may encounter lag while your game is running in full screen. If that's the case, read the section below about improving slow performance.

Improving slow performance

The challenge with PPSSPP is that out of the box it's optimized for maximum performance. Slower computers may not be fast enough for it. Fortunately, PPSSPP can be tinkered with to improve its performance on your computer.

1. Reduce the rendering resolution

I think this is the best start toward better performance. By default, PPSSPP is automatically setting the rendering resolution depending on the size of the window or if you're in full screen mode. You can force PPSSPP to always render in a lower resolution. You can do so by going to Game Settings > Rendering Resolution > 3x. If 3x still doesn't improve your performance, try 2x. Look below:

See, it's not too bad. All that lowering the resolution does is make the screen look a little blurry and slightly more pixelated. Try even 1x if 2x doesn't help. But if even 1x doesn't help (or looks too ugly), keep reading.

2. Enable frameskipping

Enabling frameskipping will allow you to keep optimal graphics, but animation will no longer be smooth. To enable frameskipping just go to Game Settings > Frameskipping > Auto. This should be enough to improve performance. If not, keep reading.

3. Skip buffer effects

Now we're jumping into sacrificing graphic quality. Skipping buffer effects will disable any special graphical effects. It'll cause some pieces of graphics that were once beautiful to be solid black. See below:

Set Up For Ppsspp To Have Innocent Life Works


To enable this, go to Game Settings > Rendering Mode > Skip buffer effects. If even skipping buffer effects doesn't improve PPSSPP's performance, then your computer isn't fast enough to handle PPSSPP.

Set Up For Ppsspp To Have Innocent Life Work For Children

Fixing 'jumpy' screens

Even if you lowered the rendering resolution and enabled auto frameskip (as explained above), you may find that the screen is refreshing awkwardly. It's most obvious when you turn a corner in a 3D game. Like this:

How do you fix this? With vertical sync! Enable it by going to Game Settings > VSync.

Save states

Save states is a feature that saves the exact spot you are in any game. You can use this feature manually by going into the File menu or by quick keyboard shortcuts.

PPSSPP offers two ways to use save states. You have quick saves and save state files.

Quick saves

If you want instant gratification, quick saves are the instant saving you want.

  • Capturing a quick save: To capture a quick save go to File > Save State, or press the F2 key. You could also press the Esc key during gameplay to access the save states screen to save a state, which looks like this:
  • Loading a quick save: To load a quick save that you previously saved, go to File > Load State, or press the F4 key. You could also press the Esc key during gameplay to access the save states screen to load a state.
  • 5 States! PPSSPP lets you save up to 5 different quick save states. You can toggle between these slots by going to File > Savestate Slot and choose a slot. You could also press the F3 key to change slots, or press the Esc key during gameplay.

Save state files

These saves require an extra step but allow you to save a state as a file with a custom name.

  • Capturing a save state: To capture a save state go to File > Save State File. Type in a name for the save then click Save or press the Enter key.
  • Loading a save state: To load a save state that you previously saved, go to File > Load State File. Select the save you want to load. Note that PPSSPP can only load PPSSPP save states; not save states from other emulators. Also, it can only load a save state from a specific game. For example, if you have the North American version of Final Fantasy IV and you try to load a save state from the UK version, it won't work.

Fast forward

Fast forward is the feature that speeds up the game. To access it, press the Tab key. Hold it down and let go until you want the fast forwarding to end.

Capturing screen shots

First, you need to decide how big you want the screen shots to be. PPSSPP will capture screen shots at the exact size you currently have the window. Or if you're in full screen mode, it'll capture screen shots at full resolution. You can change the window size by going to Game Settings > Window Size.

To capture a screen shot, just press the F12 key. PPSSPP will dump the shot as a JPG in memstick > PSP > SCREENSHOT, as shown below:

Do you prefer capturing screen shots as a lossless PNG? Well, you're stuck with JPG. To capture PNG screen shots you need a screen capture program. A good free one that I recommend is ShareX. Once installed, you can just press Ctrl+Prt Scr and hover over the game screen. ShareX will capture the game screen as if PPSSPP just took a screen shot. ShareX will dump the PNG screen shot in Documents > ShareX > Screenshots.

Finding ISOs

In my links page, I have some good links to sites where you can download PSP ISOs. If you want to try to find more sites than what's in my collection of links, just Google around. For example, if you want to download God of War just Google “download god of war psp”.

You may have some trouble finding a good site since most ROM sites do not have PSP games due to their large size. The same goes for trying to find ISOs for systems such as PS2/PS3/GameCube/Wii and beyond. Fortunately, people upload large games to cloud platforms all the time. You'll only find these links to such valuable resources on Reddit. You can find these Reddit links on Google with such keywords as “reddit download psp games”.

Q: I get Error Code 80110383!

You currently have PPSSPP in a read-only location on your computer. You must move PPSSPP to a more common location such as Documents, Downloads, or a folder on your desktop.

Q: PPSSPP isn't saving anything!

If you're using PPSSPP for the first time and you're finding that you have all these problems:

  1. Save states aren't working. You save a state, then when you try to reload it nothing happens.
  2. When you save your game at a save point and close/re-open PPSSPP, you find that the save is lost.
  3. Emulator configurations that you changed aren't saved. When you close/re-open PPSSPP, you have to make those configuration changes again.

Then your problem is that you currently have PPSSPP in a read-only location on your computer. You must move PPSSPP to a more common location such as Documents, Downloads, or a folder on your desktop.


Thank you for reading my tutorial! If you found it useful, you're welcome to return the gesture by buying something from my Amazon store. If have questions you're welcome to email me or message me on social media.

PPSSPP is a Sony PSP Emulator ported on Pandora by PtitSeb. Other versions exist (Linux|GNU, Android, Windows, Mac..)

Current stable version is from Mar 29th 2014. You can read a full article about the previous version on Pandoralive

Adding to the Compatibility List

Choose a playability color that reflects a game's best playability state. Also include the clockspeed at which you ran it, for whichever Pandora version you tested. Please also indicate in the name of the Game whether the version is US/EU/JP, since compatibility may differ depending on regions. You may also add specific conditions you specified in the settings if they differ from the defaults. As for the SGC driver, please write 'default' if you did not change your driver vs what was in the firmware. These PPSSPP games are compatible with this emulator.

Don't post a redundant entry unless you are using a different Pandora model and the playability differs from an existing entry. If a game's playability gets worse (new bugs, new crashes) in a new PPSSPP version, update the entry and add that to notes.

FullspeedGames with a green background run at fullspeed and are fully playable from start to finish. If frameskip is required, add to notes.
PlayableGames with a yellow background run slower than fullspeed, but are otherwise fully playable. Add problems/slowdowns to notes.
IncompleteGames with an orange background have playability issues and cannot be played from start to finish. This may include missing functionality (wifi) or game crashes. Add problems to notes.
UnplayableGames with a red background are unplayable. They either don't run at all, or don't get past the intro. Add any other oddities to notes.
N/AGames with a white background have not been fully tested. If you see one on this list, try it out and report back!

Set Up For Ppsspp To Have Innocent Life Work For Pc

If you are inclined, post your forum username at the end of your notes so you can be contacted by PtitSeb about further debugging your problems.

The Compatibility List

You can sort the columns by clicking the table header (javascript required).

Game Name and RegionPPSSPP VersionPandora Model[1]SGX driverSZ versionFrequencyNotes on SettingsStatus

Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition (EUROPE + USA) MhzIntro can show up. Audio is very stuttery. Very slow FPS. No cars / textures are showing up. Unplayable.Red
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (USA) MhzSlightly slow in combat(15-20 fps). Audio can be sometimes stuttery. Using automatic frameskipping improves performance.Yellow
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2 (JP) MhzMakes the emulator completely crash right after the first few screens. Back to desktop.Red
Final Fantasy III (US) MhzFullspeed in most places except in villages where the game slows down a bit while remaining playable.Green
Final Fantasy III (US) MhzFullspeed in most places except in villages where the game slows down a bit while remaining playable.Green
Star Ocean: The Second Departure (US) MhzFullspeed apparently at all times, with minor glitches on text boxes once in a while.Green
Toradora Portable (JP)0.9.8800 mhz4.03.021.60800 MhzIt needs loot of the phone, sometimes in the voice acting runs slow and the FMV are slow too, but is entirely playable.Yellow
Tales of Rebirth (JP) MhzCombat scenes are slow and music stutters in fight scenes. But it's playable.Yellow
Tekken Dark Resurrection (US) MhzWorks fine but very slow in game. Feels a little bit faster than in 0.9.7.Yellow
Hatsune Miku, Project Diva (JP) MhzFullspeed while frameskip is on. Not always super smooth but very, very playable. Feels smoother and almost perfect in some areas.Green
Hatsune Miku, Project Diva 2nd (JP) MhzAlright on some less graphically demanding songs, but lags too much on most songs to be playable.Yellow

Metal Slug Anthology (US) MhzFullspeed in-game but sometimes slow in the menus and when loading from one level to another. This being said, I recommend playing such games on Neo Geo emulators instead.Green
Guilty Gear XX (JP) MhzSlow in game, albeit playable. But not enjoyable for a fighting game.Yellow
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (US) MhzWorks full speed with no sound stuttering, but the frameskip needed to achieve that makes it suboptimal for playing effectively (ie frames dropping impact playability).Yellow
Megaman Powerup (US) MhzFeels full speed with frameskip, and the music does not seem to stutter much. This being said, it drops frames depending on the complexity of what's going on on the screen, and this sometimes impacts gameplay.Green
PixelJunk Monsters (US) MhzRunning full speed.Green
Tales of Eternia (US) Mhz2D, running sometimes full speed, sometimes very slowly (with sound stuttering). Alpha hack helps but does not make it perfect either.Yellow
To Heart 2 (JP) MhzNow Full Speed in latest version.Green
Tactics Ogre (JP) MhzFull Speed most of the time, with frameskip, while the card selection screen at beginning of the game is glitchy.Green
Mirai Nikki (JP) MhzFull Speed, perfect.Green
Lumines (EU) MhzAutoFrameskip is on, AlphaHack is on, and Timer Hack is OFF. It runs fullspeed and without issues.Green
Lumines 2 (US) MhzQuite slow compared to Lumines 1, and the music keeps stuttering. Playable but not great. A little faster than in
Criminal Girls (JP) MhzNot playing very smoothly, scrolling is clearly not smooth. Sound stutters in most dialogs. Alpha hack works well to speed things up but introduces many glitches.Yellow
Lunar Silver Star Harmony (JP) MhzRuns perfectly now, no more sound stuttering if you activate the alpha hack. Superb.Green
Y's Seven (JP) MhzRuns almost well, but there are several slow-downs during dialogs and the music tends to stutter. Playable, but needs a little more speed to be really great.Yellow
Archer Maclean's Mercury (EU) MhzRuns full speed most of time, except in the menu scroll appearing when finishing each level. But that has no impact on the performance in game itself.Green
Princess Crown (JP) MhzHas some minor sound stuttering when loading cutscenes, but otherwise plays very well and feels full speed.Green
Star Ocean: The First Departure (US) MhzThe characters remain visible in-game through buildings. Therefore, still broken.Orange
Star Ocean: The First Departure (US) MhzThe characters remain visible in-game through buildings. Therefore, still broken.Orange
GTA Chinatown (US) MhzMany issues in game: menus not displayed, visual artifacts, and framerate dropping significantly in the city. Unplayable at this stage.Orange
GTA Chinatown (US) MhzMany issues in game: menus not displayed, black screens, visual artifacts, non-visible objects. Unplayable at this stage and worse than before.Orange
GTA Liberty City Stories (US) MhzLags way too much to be playable, even on cutscenes. 3 FPS.Orange

Fat Princess (US) MhzRuns very slowly with heavy music stuttering. Unplayable but faster than in
FIFA 2013 (EU) MhzYou can reach the menu but after a few selections the screen turns black.Orange
Persona 2 (US) MhzSlow (and screen is very dark for some reason), but it's now closer to being playable. Somehow a big improvement vs 0.9.7Orange
BlazBlue Continuum Shift (US) MhzMovies play perfectly, and the game runs kind of full speed, with some music stutters. Very close to being great to play.Green
Final Fantasy Tactics(US) MhzStill kind of slow at times with special effects slowing down the game sometimes, but otherwise it's very playable and looks great.Green
The Legend Of Heroes - Trails In The Sky (US) MhzRuns well. Some occasional slow-downs, some characters 'invisible' during story (Seems solved if disable Texture coord speedhack and alpha test)Green
Akiba's Trip (JP) MhzSometimes running very close to full speed, but some other times slowing down, especiall during fights, hence yellow. But still, quite playable, and sound does not stutter much anymore.Yellow
Castlevania Chronicles (US) MhzRuns at full speed. Excellent.Green
Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos (JP) MhzRuns full speed. No issue in game.Green
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (EU) MhzVideos stop at some times and need to 'buffer' apparently once in a while. 3D is faster in game than in but far from smooth. Playable, but barely.Yellow
Mana Khemia Student Alliance (EU) MhzSometimes a bit slow, slows down when a dialog window appears, but very playable.Yellow
Shining Ark (JP) MhzSound stutters heavily in videos and the video appears to 'buffer' several times in each sequence. 3D is OK in game, a little slow but very playable. At 1100 Mhz the sound stutters a little less. Playable.Yellow
Shining Ark (JP) MhzTextures are broken in the intro (not transparent tree leaves), and in-game has become very very slow. Unplayable now.Orange
WipeOut Pure (EU) Mhz3D is slow in game, and not faster than 0.9.8. Music still stutters a lot.Yellow
Need for Speed Carbon (US) MhzA Slideshow fest. Unplayable.Orange
Need for Speed Rivals (US) MhzIt does not even run at 1 FPS in-game. Shockingly slow. Of course, unplayable.Orange
Colin Mc Rae 2005 (EU) MhzVery slow in game. Slideshow. Unplayable.Orange
Lego Batman (EU) Mhz3D is still slow in game, but it's much faster than in 0.9.7 - big progress while far from being playable still.Orange
Half Minute Hero (EU) MhzGame is definitely full speed and visual artifacts seem to be gone.Green
Half Minute Hero (EU) MhzGame is definitely full speed (put alpha hack ON, if not it won't be full speed and sound will be stuttering).Green
Valkyria Chronicles 2 (US) MhzAlmost perfect. video are fine and there's only rare sound stuttering.Green
Persona 3 Portable (US) MhzWorks great in this new version. Full speed, videos run perfectly. Superb!Green
Corpse Party (US) MhzWorks great. Full speed, videos have sometimes a little stutter. Otherwise, superb!Green
Corpse Party Book Of Shadows(US) MhzWorks great. no real slow downs. a few audio stuters here and there but otherwise completly playble.Green
Valkyrie Profile (US) MhzBlack screen when launching the game. Some sound can be heard but nothing happens. Unplayable.Red
Little Big Planet (EU) MhzMessage when starting: cannot install data locally (data is corrupt) therefore the game refuses to start.Red
Sakura Taisen 1&2 (JP) MhzVideos don't show up at all, some graphic glitches are fixed but background are still invisible/not rendered properly. Plus, very slow and stuttering. Unplayable.Red
Sakura Taisen 1&2 (JP) MhzVideos don't show up at all, some graphic glitches are fixed but background are still invisible/not rendered properly. Unplayable and somehow worse than in previous version in terms of rendering.Red
Jeanne d'Arc (US) MhzVideos work fine, however the game is very slow and the characters' 3d figures do not display at all in the game (only their shadows). However, it runs faster than in 0.9.7 and noticeably so.Orange
Ridge Racer 2 (US) MhzWorks fine, Need AutoFrameskip and Framebuffer Rendering (no Mipmap also). Gameplay Speed is between 85% and 100%, with 100% most of the time.Green
Velocity (EU) MhzFull Speed.Green
Valkyria Chronicles 3 (JP) MhzVideos now run perfectly, and the game running almost full speed with the occasional sound stuttering. Feels smoother than in 0.9.7.Green
Clannad (JP) MhzRuns perfectly. It's kind of expected since it's a visual novel, but still, music plays fine too.Green
Patapon 3 (EU) MhzVideos play perfectly now. Game is a bit slow and sound only stutters when the scene is complex now. Technically playable, but not enjoyable at this stage.Yellow
Loco Roco 2 (EU) MhzUsing simple bezier curves for speedup in Settings. Game is a bit slow when there are lots of elements, but most of the time it runs very well and full speed. Music only stutters rarely now. Very Playable. Note some black screens in videos or cutscenes remain, while they don't affect the gameplay. Otherwise it would be green. Feels faster than in 0.9.8.Yellow
Disgaea 2 (US) MhzGame runs fullspeed (it is obviously dropping frames but it's not bad at all).Green
Radiant Mythology0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzUsually fullspeed, but with a few drops here and there. Mostly playable.yellow
S.W.A.T. MhzSeems almost perfect so far.Green
Dead to Rights0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzToo slow to be playable.Orange
Little Big Planet0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzAgain, too slow to be playable.Orange
Riviera the Promised Land0.9.6.341 Ghz4.03.021.601000 MhzCrashes right in the middle of the first fight.Orange
F.F. Crisis Core0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzToo slow to be playable.Orange
007 To Russia With Love0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzRather slow.Orange
Socom MhzYet again, too slow to be playable.Orange
Ghost Recon0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzSometimes fullspeed, tends to lag. Graphical glitches here and there.Orange
Metal Gear Portable ops0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzAnother 'too-slow-to-be-playable' game.Orange
Star Wars Battlefront MhzYou know what I'm about to say. 'Too slow to be playable.'Orange
N.O.V.A. MhzImmediately crashes.Red
Resistance - Retribution0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzCrashes upon starting.Red
Final Fantasy 4: The After years0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzSometimes fullspeed, some glitches. Somewhat playable.yellow
3rd Birthday0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzLooks nice, but alas, 'tis too slow to bring merriment.Orange
Soul Calibur0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzSpeed beseches me. Too slow to be enjoyable.Orange
Rachet and Clank - Size matters0.9.5.32Rebirth4.03.021.55950 MhzToo slow to be playable. Has some graphical glitches.Orange
Earth Defense Force 2 Portable (J) & 4.101.601300 MhzAlthough the game is emulated practically flawlessly, it suffers from MASSIVE slowdown, and I do mean it. It rarely exceeds 3 FPS on 1.3 GHz and speedup hacks and frameskipping make no difference.Yellow
Tokobots (USA)0.9.81GHz4.03.021.601600 MhzThe game plays at max frames and suffers no slowdown. Only issue is that the faces of enemies are not visible.Green
Test Drive Unlimited0.9.8.361GHz4.03.02 & 4.101.601000 MhzScreen stays black, after pressing (X) videos play fine, but menu does not show on screen (menu music plays fine, too, showing ~8.0 FPS)Red
Tales of Phantasia: Cross Edition0.9.8.371GHz4.101.601300 MhzSlows down during the rain that occurs when visiting the burning town at the beginning and during the translition effect shown before a battle. Also, a still picture of a part of the Opening shows when switching games at the title screen. The issue with the graphics not displaying properly has been fixed in the mentioned build.Yellow
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 (EU) MhzGame-breaking glitch that caused the screen to go to black when changing areas is gone now. Extremely rarely, music stutters during duels and gameplay can slow down as well. You have to play with the emulation rendering to get either the card pictures to display properly in-duel or to see the monster summons. All in all, playable.Yellow
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5 (US) MhzGame-breaking glitch that caused the screen to go to black when changing areas is gone now. Music stutters during duels and gameplay can slow down as well. You have to play with the emulation rendering to get either the card pictures to display properly in-duel or to see the monster summons. All in all, playable.Yellow
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona1.0.1.431GHz4.04.??1.711200 MhzIn general, good. Stuttery music when in first-person dungeon-crawling view, but fully playableYellow
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